Sapna Bhagwat
by Mira Wagner

After spending 12 years caring for her children as a stay-at-home mother, long term substitute Sapna Bhagwat decided to return to teaching for the first time since her children were born. She is filling in for French teacher Sarah Finck — Bhagwat says that French is a subject that piqued her interest in high school and stayed with her.
Describing her teaching career as a “natural progression,” Bhagwat started as a French tutor in India and later received her degree in French from Arizona State University.
Bhagwat has felt supported by teachers in the language department such as World Language Department Lead Molly Guadiamos. She also finds that her mentor, Pooya Hajjarian has provided her with “constructive feedback and wise counsel,” allowing her to improve in various aspects of teaching.
“I [am] just look[ing] forward to meeting new students, who are amazing,” Bhagwat said. “They're really dedicated, engaged and motivated. I'm just really blown away by how hardworking and committed they are.”
Bhagwat’s decision to apply at MVHS was influenced by her friends who have children who attend or have attended the school. She also mentions that she had always planned to return to teaching after her children were older. Now that one of her children is in middle school and the other is nearing the end of elementary school, she believed that this school year was an appropriate time to return.
“I hope to grow as a teacher and to delve into a lot more culture,” Bhagwat said. “[I want to do] something that goes beyond the textbook to expose my students to more Francophone culture.”